impostor|impostors in English


[im·pos·tor || ɪm'pɑstə(r) /-'pɒs-]

one who pretends to be something he is not in order to deceive others, impersonator, pretender (also imposter)

Use "impostor|impostors" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impostor|impostors" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impostor|impostors", or refer to the context using the word "impostor|impostors" in the English Dictionary.

1. An impostor.

2. 'John Silver,'he said,'you're a prodigious villain and impostor - a monstrous impostor, sir.

3. He is an impostor.

4. The impostor pleaded not guilty.

5. But... an impostor with a ship.

6. I am an impostor.

7. J is an impostor!

8. I feel like a lousy impostor.

9. The impostor has been shown up.

10. You're not my brother, you impostor!

11. The impostors call several homes from a database of Microsoft owners.

12. What are you, some kind of impostor?

13. We look on him as an impostor.

14. The impostor traveled on a false passport.

15. The nurse was soon discovered to be an impostor.

16. I felt like such an impostor at school.

17. I don't want to feel like an impostor.

18. One who assumes a false pose ; an impostor.

19. He was an impostor -- dark, frightening and mysterious.

20. Then His Highness outside is an impostor?

21. The rescue of an impostor, the exposure of three spies.

22. But he felt like an idiot, a golf impostor.

23. At heart I felt like a fraud, an impostor.

24. I had to make sure you weren't an impostor.

25. Worse yet, to contact an impostor could be dangerous.